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  • Foto do escritorby Tati Paes

Growing Roots Abroad: Connecting & Socializing

Recently, I had the privilege of presenting to a group of new parents at an international school in Barcelona. Gathering together, we explored the theme of growing roots in a foreign land and the vital role of social connections in our expat journeys.

The conversations that unfolded were very interesting and conforting to all participants. It became evident that regardless of our origins, before moving to a new country, many of us shared similar anxieties about our children's adjustment to their new environment. From concerns about language barriers to worries about making new friends, the universal desire for our kids to adapt was noticeable. Yet, amidst such a structured and nurturing school environment, we were positively surprised by how quickly and well our kids adapted.

Surprisingly, many of us encountered unforeseen challenges in our journeys abroad – navigating bureaucracy, housing decisions, understanding the rhythm of city life, and managing career disruptions. This set as a reminder that while we focus on our children's transition, we often overlook our own. And neglecting our own well-being can, and eventually will, impact our children.

When discussing essential tools for navigating these challenges, one resounding answer emerged: connections. The people we meet, engage with, and lean on for support can make all the difference in our expat experience. Particularly in cities like Barcelona, where insider knowledge is key, tapping into local networks becomes invaluable. One participant recalled she could not find what she needed online and that only later she realized how everything in this city works “boca a boca” (through word of mouth). This is where having an experienced advistor, someone who's walked in your shoes, can be a game-changer.

As an expat consultant specializing in tailored advising and orientation programs for families worldwide, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of social connections. Building and nurturing these roots is fundamental to thriving in a new environment. It's about seeking out opportunities to connect – whether through schools, interest groups, or community gatherings. And it's also about cultivating the right mindset – one that's open, curious, and proactive.

So, to all expat families embarking on this adventure, I offer this advice: Don't wait to be invited; extend the invitation. Embrace the friendships and connections that enrich your journey. Because ultimately, it's these bonds that will shape your expat experience into something truly extraordinary.

Are you an expat or considering becoming one?

Contact Interoots to learn about our programs. Let us guide you and your family to navigate your expat journey with confidence and balance, saving you time and energy.

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